Day Care in TVET Colleges for Decent Work Environment
On September 18 and 19 2020, SINCE SNNPR Project has handed over two day care centers for Butajira and Worabe polytechnic colleges. The day care centers are constructed by the SINCE SNNPR project in the colleges’ compound. The day care centers are composed by three rooms: one for playing, one for sleeping and one for breastfeeding. SINCE SNNPR Project, also provided furniture and necessary materials for the day care centers. One of the major focuses of SINCE Programme is improving decent work practices in enterprises and Technical Vocational Educational and Technology (TVET) colleges. The day-care promotion is therefore part of the SINCE adopted strategies for a better decent work environment.
Poultry Farming Cooperatives in Silte and Meskan Woreda
Starting from January 2020 SINCE SNNPR project has supported the establishment of nine cooperatives engaged in poultry farming in Silte and Miskan woreda. This agri-business activity was planned in order to facilitate job opportunities in areas where the number of enterprises is limited. Four cooperatives in Silte are composed by a total of 61 SINCE beneficiaries members and 5 cooperatives in Miskan woreda are involving a total of 105 SINCE beneficiaries members. Each cooperative was provided, 1100 sixty days’ chicken and start up feed. In the month of August 2020, 6 cooperatives started selling male chicken and earned in total ETB 156,300. With this income the 6 cooperatives are planning to procure more female chicken to expand their eggs production business. |
SINCE SNNPR Irrigation Cooperatives Monitoring Mission
On February 6 and 7 2020, Embassy of Italy and UNIDO teams conducted a monitoring mission to verify the status of implementation of the SINCE SNNPR Project activities. During the monitoring mission it was possible to visit 2 SINCE beneficiaries irrigation cooperatives whom voluntarily rented land to produce vegetables in Miskan woreda. Both cooperatives have produced seedlings and transferred the seedlings to their main farmlands. Similarly, 3 irrigation cooperatives were given the farmlands by Silti woreda government. The Sodaberengo kebele cooperative was the first to get farmland and start the production. The second cooperative, which is at Agira kebel, is using part of the land for seedling production and was found working on preparing a second plot of land for farming. The third cooperative is found in Ashute kebele whereby recently, through the assistance of the woreda administration, they are provided 2 hectares of land to start their production.
SINCE SNNPR Steering Committee meetings
On September 19 and 20, 2019 quarter based project Steering Committee meetings has been conducted in Meskan and Siltie woredas. During this meeting best practices and experiences in the project has been discussed and visited. Representatives from woreda administrative, labour and social affair, Women, children and youth office, TVET dean, Woreda trade and industry, PES, development experts, and cooperative office l and IRC has participated.