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SINCE Amhara

Papers, studies and analysis




Latest activities


Turning COVID-19 into a business positive experience Turning COVID-19 into a business positive experience

On August 2020, SINCE Amhara created one disinfecting small enterprise among six SINCE beneficiaries to support the government in the effort to curb the spread of COVID 19 pandemic in woldia woreda, Amhara Regional State. In collaboration with Wolidia City Technical, Vocational and Enterprise Development (TVED) office, SINCE Amhara project facilitated the establishment of the SME in providing cleaning and disinfection of environmental surfaces, as per the WHO guidelines, to public and private clients including transport service providers.

The SINCE Amhara project procured and delivered all the necessary equipment and initial inputs to the SME.

Following the request of the local government, there is a plan to establish 4 additional disinfecting SMEs in other four woredas.


Car wash service SME promotion Car wash service SME promotion

On August 2020, in Kemissie, Dessie, Kombolcha, Woldia, and Kalu woredas, SINCE Amhara, in collaboration with BoLSA and TVED offices, has facilitated the establishment of 10 car wash service centers.

This activity was promoted in order to better adapt to the local job opportunity reduction due to the COVID-19 negative economic impact. The ten car wash service locations were selected, with the support of a consulting engineer who also prepared the plan and the bill of quantity for the buildings, in consideration with access to water, electric supply and market demand.

Furthermore, the TVED office engaged in the process of the proper organization of the 10 SMEs by assisting in the selection and orientation of the 10 members per each SME and processing the trade licenses and the tax identification numbers.


Kombolcha “Skill and Employment” Conference Kombolcha “Skill and Employment” Conference

On 15 October 2019, at Kombolcha TVET College hall, SINCE Amhara organized a Skills and Employment conference entitled “Harnessing skills to enhance women and youth access to diversified economic and employment opportunities”.

The conference was helpful to discuss on the understanding of government and non-governmental counterparts about the nexus between skills and employment for economic development.

SINCE Amhara project team showcased the integration and interdependence of TVET capacity building, promotion of Public Employment Services, SME capacity development and strengthening of Public Private Partnership.

The conference reached its objective of promoting market-oriented vocational training in order to empower women and youth in increasing their employability. Federal and regional government representatives; regional, zonal and woreda BoFEC and BoLSA; European Union representative, Embassy of Italy in Addis Ababa SINCE team, UNIDO representatives, companies, SMEs, trainees, employed beneficiaries and other concerned stakeholders participated at the event.


Kemissie TVET College Graduation and Handover Ceremony Kemissie TVET College Graduation & Handover Ceremony

On 25 July 2019, 109 SINCE Amhara project trainees graduated from Kemissie TVET College. In this term a total of 613 beneficiaries completed short term trainings in apparel production, weaving (Kombolcha TVET) and welding departments from Hope Enterprise, Dessie, Woldiya, Kobo, Kombolcha and Kemissie TVETs. During the event it was possible to visit the Kemissie TVET workshop where graduates were able to show samples of their products.

In the same day 20 sewing machines were handover over to the Kemissie TVET College at the presence of the ean, Tadesse Tesfaye, TVED officials, government representatives, Embassy of Italy representatives, Implementing partners, graduates and their families.


Monitoring Mission on SINCE Amhara Project Activities Monitoring Mission on SINCE Amhara Project Activities

From 01to 03 April 2019, the Embassy of Italy in Addis Ababa and UNIDO SINCE team paid their periodic joint field monitoring visit to Kombolcha, Wodiya and Raya Kobo, SINCE Amhara’s implementation areas.

The monitoring team visited the newly inaugurated PES center based in Kalu woreda TVED office, Kombolcha, where 17 jobs facilitated after one month of opening.  It was also possible to meet some of the first group of SINCE graduates, while on the job. The team visited as well the second group of beneficiaries while on the training. During the visits it was possible to ask beneficiaries about their experience and their expectation from the Programme. Meetings with TVET deans, BoLSA and TVED representatives were also held in order to comment on the project implementation and future plans.


Kalu PES Centre Inauguration Ceremony Kalu PES Centre Inauguration Ceremony

On 14 Feb 2019, SINCE Amhara Project inaugurated a new Public Employment Service (PES) center in the premises of Kalu Woreda Technical and Vocational Enterprise Development (TVED) office, Kombolcha. The Kalu PES is established in collaboration with Labor and Social Affairs office (LSA), TVED, CIFA Onlus and other SINCE Amhara implementing partners.

The PES center will offer full placement services including resume reviews, applicant screening, and vacancy referrals by matching applicant qualifications to vacancy requirements. It will also ultimately play a crucial role within the labour market by providing regularly collected, comprehensive and up-to-date labour market information. The PES aims to be the focal point to fulfil labour demand needs of the employers in the area.