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SINCE Oromia

SINCE Oromia Handover Facilities to Cooperative Agency SINCE Oromia Handover Facilities to Cooperative Agency

On August 18, 2020, in Asella at Arsi University premises, SINCE Oromia project has handed over one pack house and Shirka distribution centres to Arsi zone Cooperative Promotion Agency in Oromia Region. The facilities aims at strengthen vegetable value chain in Tiyo and Shirka Woreda serving 18 cooperatives composed by SINCE Oromia project beneficiaries. Speaking at the ceremony, Mr. Kemal Deddefo from Arsi Zone Cooperative promotion Agency, said that the facility will solve problems related to vegetable value chain and will create additional jobs for unemployed youth and women.

At the handover ceremony, representatives from government officials and local media have participated.


TVET Exhibition Held in Asella TVET Exhibition Held in Asella

On 28th January 2020, at Athlete Kananisa Polytechnic College in Asella, SINCE Oromia project organized a TVET exhibition. More than 82 participants from Oromia regional and woredas offices, SMEs and SINCE beneficiaries participated at the event. The aim of the exhibition was to showcases to companies, SMEs, cooperative unions and government offices, of applicable benefits of TVETs courses on youth, women, potential irregular migrants and returnees.

During the exhibition, discussion was conducted in three thematic areas: capacity building, stakeholders partnership strengthening and employment opportunity facilitation. SINCE trained beneficiaries provided their observations on the short-term skills training quality, on the apprenticeship and on facilitated employment opportunities


SINCE Oromia Handover Warehouses and Equipment in Bale Zone SINCE Oromia Handover Warehouses and Equipment in Bale Zone

On 21 and 22 January 2020, SINCE Oromia project has inaugurated warehouses and handed over Farmer Training Center equipment and inputs to cooperatives in 6 woredas in Bale zone, Oromia.

The building and rehabilitation of the warehouses aims at supporting the farmers with the proper storage system and creating job opportunities for youth of the area. Beside the inauguration ceremony, the SINCE team visited the cooperatives wheat fields and worm-composting activities. Discussions were held with representatives of cooperatives, collector groups, farmers and SINCE beneficiaries who are now employed in the cooperatives.


SINCE Oromia regional Steering Committee monitoring mission SINCE Oromia regional Steering Committee monitoring mission

From 9 to 17 December 2019, the sixth SINCE Oromia project steering committee took place in Asella followed by a monitoring mission. The project steering committee members from Oromia BoFEC, BOLSA, BOWCYA, TVET, Cooperatives and Agriculture boureaus visited all the three implementing partners’ activities. A debriefing meeting was also organized in each zone and woreda to discuss on the field observations and challenges encountered.


Graduation ceremonies of SINCE Oromia trainees Graduation ceremonies of SINCE Oromia trainees

On January 25 and 27, 2019, in Asella and Robe town, a total of 195 (88 Males, 107 Females) potential irregular migrants and 13 returnees (11 Females) from Shirka, Sinana, Tiyo and Adaba woredas graduated after completing the SINCE supported short-term TVETs training delivered at the Robe and Kananisa Polytechnic colleges, respectively in Bale and Arsi Zones.