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SINCE ILO Pilot Project

Papers, studies and analysis



Latest activities


Public Employment services (PES) Consultation Public Employment services (PES) Consultation

On 26th February 2020 ILO organised in Addis Ababa a Public Employment Services (PES) consultation workshop for key ministries and government agencies to discuss the new vision and roadmap.

The SINCE –ILO project has contributed to influence the National policy on Public Employment Services in partnership with key government offices – Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs and Jobs Creation Commission. A total of 29 attendees (20 males and 9 females) representing high-level government ministries and offices participated to the consultation. The project was able to kick start a consultative process to enhance the improvement and strengthening of employability services and the aligned governance structures at National and Regional States level.

Digital labour Exchange and Mobile Application Digital labour Exchange and Mobile Application

From 19-21 August 2019, at Bahir Dar University, a pilot testing was conducted on the Youth Employability Services (YES) digital labour exchange and Mobile application. A total of 70 (46 male and 24 female) experts, job seekers and employers representatives, including SNICE Amhara data administrator, attended the training and gave their feedback and recommendations to the digital exchange software.

On 22 August 2019 in Addis Ababa, representatives from European Union Delegation, Embassy of Italy in Addis Ababa, Jobs Creation Commission, Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs also provided valuable inputs on the digital web based labour exchange platform. The mobile application has also been tested with YES and Employment centre staff in Bahir Dar.

Private companies' roundtables Private companies’ roundtables

In January 2019, at Blue Nile Hotel in Bahir Dar, were organised four private companies’ roundtables sessions with members of Amhara Employers Federation. One of the roundtable was generic, the other three were conducted with three sectoral associations: Micro and Small Enterprises, Manufacturing and Hotel and Services. The choice of the value chains was done based on the high job creation projections of the selected sectors in Amhara Regional State. More than 138 private companies participated in the 4 roundtables and provided their willingness to collaborate with YES centre in order to publicize their vacancies and manpower needs.

Youth Employability Service (YES) Center Launching Ceremony Youth Employability Service (YES) Center Launching Ceremony

On July 19, 2018, Youth Employability Service (YES) center has launched at Bahirdar City (Ginbot 20 sub city). The center was launched with the aim of improving and facilitating the employability of youth by providing carrier guidance, soft skill training, access to labor market information as well as connecting employees with potential employer; In the framework of the SINCE Programme and implemented by International Labor Organization.

At the opening ceremony participated Mr. George Okutho Director of ILO Country office for Djibouti, Ethiopia, Somalia, South Sudan and Sudan, Mr. Pierpaolo Bergamini SINCE Programme Coordinator, Ato Yayeh Addis Delele Head of the President Office of Amhara Regional State, Ato Ayenew Belay Mayor of Bahirdar, Mrs. Ruchika Bahi ILO Technical Advisor of Irregular Migration, representatives from the Italian Embassy, different governmental and non-governmental office representatives.