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Vehicles and driving licenses

Conversion of Italian driving licence to drive in Ethiopia

It is possible to convert your Italian driving licence to drive in Ethiopia. To do this, you must proceed as follows:

  • obtain the certificate of validity of the driving licence from the competent Italian Motor Vehicle Authority, and legalisation of the same at the competent Prefecture;
  • obtain legalisation also from the Embassy of Ethiopia in Rome;
  • translation of the legalised certificate into Amharic or English (for a non-compulsory list of translators and interpreters available in the Addis Ababa area, click here);
  • obtain the authentication of the translation by the Consular Office;
  • finally, go to the local motor vehicle registration office.

Renewal of Italian driving licence in Ethiopia

Holders of Italian driving licences residing or staying for a period of at least 6 months in non-EU countries may obtain from the competent Italian diplomatic-consular authorities confirmation of the validity of their Italian driving licence, which has expired for no more than five years and does not fall under the cases provided for in Article 119, paragraphs 2-bis and 4 of the Italian Highway Code (licences of drivers suffering from diabetes or whose psychophysical fitness must be certified by special medical commissions).

Applicants must undergo the required medical examination to ascertain their psychological and physical requirements, after which the Consular Office of the Embassy will issue the appropriate renewal certificate.

Renewal carried out at a diplomatic or consular Representation is valid for travelling both in Italy and abroad.
Once residence or abode in Italy has been re-established, the driving licence must be confirmed by the competent central office of the Italian Department for Transport, Navigation and Information and Statistical Systems.

Importing vehicles into Ethiopia

A general ban on the import of fossil fuel vehicles and hybrid cars was recently introduced by the Ethiopian authorities. It is strongly recommended that you refrain from importing such vehicles into the country in order to avoid penalties and problems at local customs.

Cancellation from the Italian Public Vehicle Register (Pubblico Registro Automobilistico – PRA) for definitive export of the vehicle abroad (please visit the dedicated page on the Italian MoFA website for further information).

Cancellation from the PRA for definitive exportation of the vehicle abroad follows the rules of the Italian Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport’s ‘Single Movement and Ownership Document’.