Festa della Repubblica, 2 Giugno 2020
Dear Friends of Italy, cari Connazionali,
the emergency due to Covid-19 pandemic does not allow us to celebrate as usual the Italian National Day, la Festa della Repubblica Italiana.
Our thoughts and compassion go to all the victims of this disease in Italy and Ethiopia.
On June 2 1946 Italians were called to choose, through a popular referendum, between Monarchy and Republic: 13 million women (allowed to vote for the first time) and 12 million men participated to the referendum and Italy became a Republic.
This was a new starting point, after a long and tragic war: Italians decided to rebuild our Country in a spirit of peace, solidarity and unity.
Nowadays we are living in Italy another beginning after months of lockdown and we are confident that we will be able to come out of this emergency stronger than before.
Ethiopia is also living a crucial period due to the increasing of the numbers of infected people.
I wish to express our deep concern and solidarity to all the Ethiopians and I assure once again Italy’s support to Ethiopia in order to overcome together this pandemic.
Italy and Ethiopia are bound by a strong friendship, built on mutual respect and understanding. Our bilateral ties date back to 1889.
Ethiopia is a key partner for Italy in this region and the entire Continent for its crucial role in favor of peace and stability.
Italy fully supports the Ethiopian Nation. We have an intensive political dialogue at the highest level; Italy gives an important contribution to the social and economic development of Ethiopia through the long-term commitment of the Italian Cooperation and of many Italian companies: thousands of jobs have been created, improving the living conditions of many Ethiopian families. Our ties in the field of education are very strong and the Italian Schools, in particular, represent a real opportunity for many Ethiopian students.
One of the pillars of our bilateral relations is the Italian Community: many Italians distinguished themselves in this Country with their activities and their own engagement. Many have assured their solidarity and support to Ethiopians also in these difficult circumstances, donating to local hospitals equipment to combat the spread of the pandemic.
A tutti voi Italiani in Etiopia, buona Festa della Repubblica!
Come ho già avuto modo di dire in passato, siate orgogliosi della vostra storia in questo Paese e lo dico a tutti gli Italiani, ai residenti di lunga data, ai Religiosi, ai professori delle nostre Scuole, ai tanti cooperanti e volontari. L’Italia in Etiopia è apprezzata senza riserve grazie all’impegno di tutti voi e a tutti ci è riconosciuto un grande senso di umanità, che ci contraddistingue nella quotidianità, nei rapporti interpersonali, di cui dobbiamo andare fieri. Questo nostro senso di umanità lo faremo sentire ancora più forte in questi tempi difficili e continueremo, ne sono certo, a dare segnali concreti di amicizia e solidarietà al popolo etiopico.
Arturo Luzzi