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Press release – Italy grants 1 million Euros in response to severe floods in South Sudan.

 The Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation has granted a financial contribution of 1 million Euros to support humanitarian activities in response to the severe floods that have affected several Regions in South Sudan.

Half of the total Italian financial contribution will be channelled through the World Food Programme (WFP), in the framework of WFP’s “Interim Country Strategic Plan (ICSP) 2018-2020”, and will be focused on food distribution in favour of the population displaced. The other half will be channelled through the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), in the framework of the urgent Appeal “South Sudan Emergency Floods Response”, and will be aimed at providing emergency shelter, water, sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) assistance as well as health assistance in favour of the population displaced by the abovementioned floods.

With this allocation, Italy reaffirms its support to the Government of South Sudan and the population affected by the floods in the different counties in the Eastern and Northern of South Sudan.