A self-certification is a declaration that replaces certificates usually issued by public administrations and public service providers. It is made on plain paper and signed by the person concerned, who assumes personal responsibility for what is declared (Presidential Decree 445/2000).
WHAT CAN BE SELF-CERTIFIED: states (being a property owner, being an heir of a certain person, …), personal qualities (being a business owner; not being subject to income tax, …) or facts (having suffered damage due to a natural disaster, …) certifiable by the public administration, except those that need to be declared by affidavit.
- with the public administration (municipalities, consulates, …);
- with public service providers (ENEL, Aci, Telecom, …);
- with private individuals (banks, insurance companies, companies, etc.) who are obliged to accept it under
Law No. 120/2020.
- adults who are italian citizens;
- adult citizens of EU member countries;
- adult non-EU citizens legally residing in Italy (only if the data and facts subject to the declaration can be verified with Italian public entities and for those matters for which there is a convention between Italy and their country of origin);
- for minors, the signature of the exerciser of parental authority or guardian is required;
- for the disqualified, the signature of the guardian is required;
- for those who do not know or cannot sign, i.e. in the case of illiteracy or physical impediment, it will be the responsibility of the Public Official to receive the declaration and attest to the causes of the impediment without the need for witnesses, using the words “unable to sign due to…“;
- for those who have a temporary health impediment, the signature must be affixed by the spouse or, in his or her absence, by the children or, in their absence, by another relative in the direct or collateral line up to the third degree (uncle, nephew) with explicit indication of the existence of the impediment, to be made to the Public Official after verification of identity.
Self-certifications do NOT require signature authentication and is therefore not a service offered by the Consular Office. It will be necessary to attach a photocopy of a valid identity document of the signer to the signed statement.