The Call for proposals for the SINCE Programme has been officially launched.
The deadline for the submission of the concept notes and full applications is 25 September 2017. Click on the following links to download the documents.
- SINCE Guidelines for grant applicants.
- Annex A: Grant Application Form.doc
- Annex B: Budget.xls
- Annex C: Logical Framework.doc
- Annex D: Legal Entity Other.pdf
- Annex E: Financial Identification Form
- Annex FI: Inception Phase Report.pdf
- Annex FII: Logical Framework SINCE.pdf
- Annex G – Standard Grant Contract.doc
- Annex II: General Conditions.pdf
- Annex IV: Contract Award Procedures.doc
- Annex IX: Transfer of Assets.doc
- Annex V: Standard Request Payment.doc
- Annex VI: Final narrative report.doc
- Annex VI: Financial Reports.xls
- Annex VI: Interim narrative report.doc
- Annex VII: Expenditure Verification Report.doc
- Annex VIII: Financial Guarantee.doc
- Annex J: Tax Regime.docx
- Annex K: Simplified cost options.doc